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"If only" is so lonely.

It is rarely life meet our expectations or reach our dreams about it. But all that is attracting in life, everything that concerns us, allowing us to evolve or change, and learn to better understand the highlights and pitfalls on the path of life. Every time we choose to sigh over what is not, we turn our backs on an opportunity to get better in life. We simply do not know what is best for us. Our field of vision is limited. It is less limited today than yesterday, but it is still limited. The experiences that are available to us did not meet our expectations, because we expect a lot less than what God has in store for us for the future. We get what we need in terms of contacts, adventure, joy and sorrow today and every other day. If v rejoice at what we have on our lot, knowing that there is always something good ii it feels even lighter adversity. We are in good hands here and now. We should not languish for what we think we need. We always get what we need, when we need it.

I'll take a deep breath and relax. At this moment all my needs met .. My life is progressing as it should.
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